The last supper…

by oysteinruud· December 21, 2019· in Uncategorized· 0 comments
Restaurant Rest’s atmosphere is fittingly described by Foodie Magazine “Appetitt” as a crossover between the last supper of Christ and a fiest by the decadent Roman emperor Caligula.
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Art indeed

by oysteinruud· December 21, 2019· in Uncategorized· 0 comments

What came first?

by oysteinruud· December 20, 2019· in Uncategorized· 0 comments
The hen or the egg? Nobody seems to consider the cock. Anyway; actually using all the brilliant ingredients nature gracefully provides in cooking is certainly no novelty. Still, with a food waste pushing towards 50% common sense has obviously got lost somewhere along the way towards wealth and prosperity. Restaurant Rest. in Oslo is the world’s first high end fine dining restaurant building its 25 course set menu from what is considered food waste.
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Nullam a massa tellus. Nulla tempor velit non tincidunt facilisis. Proin sapien augue, finibus nec quam in, condimentum iaculis sem duis lobortis egestas fermentum pulvinar. Proin sed posuere sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae. Nunc tempor nisi vitae nibh tincidunt, eget posuere dolor lacinia. Ut ante mauris, ullamcorper sed scelerisque id, sodales et nulla. Aliquam eget dui ipsum vestibulum vel leo cursus velit fermentum viverra. Nam nunc massa, molestie vel sollicitudin sit amet, consectetur a risus phasellus tristique diam.
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Nunc tempor nisi vitae nibh tincidunt, eget posuere dolor lacinia. Ut ante mauris, ullamcorper sed scelerisque id, sodales et nulla. Aliquam eget dui ipsum vestibulum vel leo cursus velit fermentum viverra. Nam nunc massa, molestie vel sollicitudin sit amet, consectetur a risus. Phasellus tristique diam nisl, eu bibendum urna, venenatis varius. Nullam a massa tellus. Nulla tempor velit non tincidunt facilisis. Proin sapien augue, finibus nec quam in, condimentum iaculis sem duis lobortis egestas fermentum pulvinar. Proin sed posuere sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci.
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